CILT Polska
  • Aktualności

Recycling, Upcycling and Sustainable Supply Chains: Wednesday 21 July 2021

Our final Green Series webinar focuses on sustainable supply chains and considers some of the innovative approaches being adopted around the world. We will be looking at the circular economy and how we fundamentally re-think processes on a big scale. We will discuss sustainable freight movement in New York, and will finally examine how green technology is enabling the re-use of passenger trains in the UK.


  • Guest Speaker Catherine Weetman, Author, Consultant, Founder and Director of Rethink Global will consider Why Successful Businesses are Circular (and what that means for their supply chains).
  • Guest Speaker Diniece Mendes, Director of Freight Mobility at the New York City Department of Transportation will discuss Urban Logistics Beyond the Pandemic: A Sustainable Future for New York City
  • Guest Speaker Alice Gillman, Head of Marketing, Vivarail will consider Green Technology – Using New Technologies to Extend Train Life.


For more information please visit the event listing at

Registration is now open at and the webinar will also be broadcast live via our Facebook page:

Please share this information with your members, and on your local website and social media platforms, and also think about whether the webinar can be used to help develop local stakeholder relationships.

As previously, the recording will be available on our YouTube channel at after the event for members who are unable to join live.


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