CILT Polska
  • Aktualności

II Seminarium internetowe CILT International

CILT International zorganizował drugie międzynarodowe seminarium internetowe na temat reakcji łańcucha dostaw na niedobory w medycynie i żywności, wśród prelegentów znaleźli się Dave Howorth oraz Will Holden. Dave Howorth, dyrektor wykonawczy SCALA Consulting omówił przykłady najlepszych praktyk w obszarze handlu oraz produkcji w Wielkiej Brytanii i Irlandii. Will Holden, dyrektor zarządzający Emergency Logistics Team Ltd. skupił się na odpowiedziach na najlepsze praktyki międzynarodowe w łańcuchu dostaw leków i opieki zdrowotnej. Nagranie z webinarium można obejrzeć, klikając na link:


CILT (UK) – Polska COVID-19

Szanowni Państwo, pragniemy poinformować, iż mimo sytuacji epidemiologicznej spowodowanej rozprzestrzenianiem się wirusa COVID-19, CILT (UK) – Polska nadal pozostaje do dyspozycji członków, od 12 marca w systemie pracy zdalnej.


Dato’ Ts Abd Radzak Abd Malek appointed International President of CILT

On the 1st of January 2020, Sir Peter Hendy stepped down, and Dato’ Ts Abd Radzak Abd Malek became International President of CILT, beginning a two year tenure that will run until the end of 2022. A long serving member of CILT Malaysia, and a veteran of the logistics industry, Dato’ Radzak will focus on a policy of ‘everyone matters’, working to build influence with governments and state organisations, whilst ensuring we remain open and inclusive, ‘ready to listen, and to understand difference, ready engage locally, as well as globally’.


Speaking about his objectives whilst in office, Dato’ Radzak observed that the ‘Institute stands on the verge of a new era. In previous decades, the rapid globalisation of the world economy has changed the nature of our industry. Over one third of all goods produced in the world are now traded across borders, and many services from banking and finance, to education and training have become international endeavours’.


He also touched on the responsibilities of our Institute, and our industry, particularly in light of the challenges posed by changing political and economic orthodoxies, and a changing climate. ‘I can say with all confidence that the movement of goods and people is of great societal benefit, and a key part of the development and security of all nations. As such, we the members of CILT, have a responsibility, and a privileged role to play in the future of our planet and our species. Sustainability, and the green agenda is not a phase, and we must be prepared to play our part creating a greener future for all’.


The provision of accessible and high quality education is a key mission of the Institute, and Dato’ Radzak will seek to build on the Institute’s educational programming, and look to the use of new technologies to ensure students and industry professionals alike ‘have access to the knowledge they need in the format they need’.


Speaking about the appointment, Dr Dorothy Chan, former CILT International President backed Dato’ Radzak to succeed. ‘I give my full support to Dato’ Radzak’s appointment as CILT International President. He has been a strong leader for CILT Malaysia, which is growing fast, and through his commitment and vision will, I am sure, lead CILT to even greater things. He is a strong supporter of the interests of Young Professionals, and under his Presidency CILT Malaysia was among the first to form a Women in Logistics and Transport (WiLAT) Chapter. Since then he has given unwavering support to WiLAT activities, which fully demonstrates his commitment to equality in our industry. He is a respected member of CILT and a good friend of mine’.


These sentiments were further echoed by Trevor Hall, Managing Director of Road Safety Support, UK who said ‘I really do wish you well in your new position, and look forward to engaging with you over the next two years and offering any support I can’.


Born in Kampong Gunung Mesah Hilir, Gopeng, a village in Perak state, Dato’ Radzak started his 37-year career in logistics in 1972 as a Railway Station Master with Keretapi Tanah Melayu Berhad (KTMB), the Malaysian national rail carrier. After obtaining a BA (Hons) from the Malaysian Science University (USM), Dato’ Radzak continued his journey with KTMB, culminating in his appointment as Managing Director in 2007.


A member of CILT for 19 years, Dato’ Radzak joined in 2001, rising to become President of CILT Malaysia in 2004, a role he continued until stepping down in 2008. In 2010, Dato’ Radzak was re-elected President of CILT Malaysia, and in 2012 was appointed International Vice-President for the South East Asia region and President Elect from 2017 to 2019.


The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport is the leading professional body for everyone who works in supply chain, logistics and transport. We are a global family, representing professionals at all levels across all sectors, dedicated to giving individuals and organisations access to the tools, the knowledge and the connections vital to success in the logistics and transport industry.


Founded in 1919 with a mission to improve industry practices and nurture talent, our Institute supports over 35,000 members in 35 countries. Through our educational suite, our strong community and our commitment to high standards, we help professionals at all levels to develop their careers and access better jobs.


 Radzak Malek 1 Crop



Konwencja CILT 2020

Szanowni Państwo,


Z radością informujemy, że kolejna edycja konwencji CILT odbędzie się 18 - 21 października 2020 w Perth w Australii.


Poniżej informacje od organizatora.



Baltic Ports & Shipping

baltic ports shipping


We are very pleased to confirm that The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport – Poland is one of supporting organization for the 3rd Baltic Ports and Shipping 2019 in Gdynia, Poland. Baltic Ports and Shipping is the biggest annual Maritime Ports, Shipping and Transport Logistics Exhibition and Conference in the Baltic region.


The Port of Gdansk and the Port of Gdynia are pleased to jointly host the 3rd Baltic Ports and Shipping 2019 Exhibition and Conference from Tuesday 22 to Thursday 24 October at the luxurious 5 star Courtyard by Marriott Gdynia Waterfront hotel, Poland.


This two-day conference will feature 35 world class conference speakers addressing issues, challenges, solutions and innovations in port operations, shipping, supply chain and logistic strategies which will be attended by a gathering of more than 300 senior government officials, industry principals, academics, senior level executives such as CEOs, General Managers, harbour masters and terminal operators together with the region's leading maritime consultants, shippers, cargo owners, importers, exporters, shipping lines, freight forwarders, logistic companies, technology providers and service suppliers from countries throughout the Baltic region.


There will be the commercial opportunity for 30 exhibitors and sponsors to network face to face with the delegates at this major annual international maritime transport Exhibition and Conference trade event for the Baltic region.





Dnia 6 czerwca 2019 odbędzie się konferencja pt. Logistyka Przyszłości – Nowe Specjalności w Międzynarodowej Wyższej Szkole Logistyki i Transportu we Wrocławiu.


Komunikat logistyka Przyszlosci 2019 1

Komunikat logistyka Przyszlosci 2019 1


CILT (UK) - Polska
ul. Sołtysowicka 19 B, 51-168 Wrocław

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